El Documento de voluntades anticipadas suele estar vinculado con el proceso de final de la vida; sin embargo, no se presta mucha atención al proceso "durante la vida" y menos todavía a qué papel tiene este documento en el ámbito psiquiátrico. Algunos de los artículos que considero relevantes para hacernos una idea sobre qué contenido y utilidad clínica puede tener este documento en psiquiatría son los siguientes:
- Miller, R. Advance Directives for Psychiatric Treatment. A view from the Trenches. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 1998;4(3):728-745.- Sherman, P. Computer-Assisted Creation of Psychiatric Advance Directives. Community Mental Health Journal. 1998;34(4):351-362.
Srebnik, D., y La Fond, J. Advance
Directives for Mental Health Treatment. Psychiatric Services.
Srebnik, D., Rutherford, L., Peto, T., Russo, J., Zick, E., Jaffe, C., y
Holtzheimer, P. The Content and Clinical
Utility of Psychiatric Advance Directives. Psychiatric Services.
Srebnik, B., Appelbaum, P., y Russo, J. Assessing
Competence to Complete Psychiatric Advance With the Competence Assessment Tool
for Psychiatric Advance Directives. Comprehensive Psychiatry.
Swanson, J., Swartz, M., Elbogen, E., Van Dorn, A., Wagner, H., Moser, L.,
Wilder, Ch., y Gilbert, A. Psychiatric advance directives and reduction
of coercive crisis interventions. J Ment Health. 2008;17(3):255–267.
- Tonelli, M. Pulling
the Plug on Living Wills. A Critical Analysis of Advance Directives. Chest.
- Van Dorn, R., Swartz, M., Elbogen, E., Swanson,
J., Kim, M., Ferron, J., McDaniel, L., y Scheyett, A. Clinicians’ Attitudes Regarding Barriers to the Implementation of
Psychiatric Advance Directives. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services
Research. 2006;33(4):449-460.
- Wilder, Ch. , Elbogen,
E., Moser, L., Swanson, J., y Swartz, M. Medication
Preferences and Adherence Among Individuals With Severe Mental Illness and
Psychiatric Advance Directives. Psychiatric Services. 2010;61(4):380-385.
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